Qualcosa tra lo zolfo e una capretta di latte

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It is a work created with the artistic duo Penzo + Fiore, a reflection on the pornography through the dressing and the portrait of the porno-actress Federica Tommasi.

“It’s 1961 when the writer Goffredo Parise at Morocco Hotel along with Truman Capote, knows Marilyn Monroe. Dancing with the beautiful woman that “you would have said completely naked under that shirt of lisle” he keeps her smell, “something between sulfur and a goat’s milk.”
Playing with images of an author so irreverent and anti-ideological that always goes to the heart of the issues, with that pure and provocative way that emerges from many of his writings, was born the work “Qualcosa tra lo zolfo e una capretta di latte.”
Always looking askance at social taboos which condemn and mythologized by chance, without having the courage to really see, we wanted to open a discrete gap on a  world, the porn, never forgotten in Parise’s travel report. ”


From the catalog of the exhibition “ARTISTI – tra opera e comportamento – omaggio a Goffredo Parise”, curated by Stefano Cecchetto, MUPA – Torre di Mosto (TV), 2014


Qualcosa tra lo zolfo e una capretta di latte (2014), triptych, Lambda print,  cm 70×100





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